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Q. Is the spirit of Christ different from the  spirit of God the Father?

A. Christ's  spirit is only different from the Father's  spirit in that he has had a  unique life experience and he has a difference in glory,  power, and personality.

Q. How can one have the mind of Christ?

"Let  this  mind be in you which was also in  Christ  Jesus"  (Phil.2:5 KJV).

A. In  order to have the mind of Christ, a person must  have  the spirit of Christ. In order to have the spirit of Christ, one  must first have the spirit of the Father. And in order to have the spirit of  the Father,  a person must be given the  holy   spirit  by the Father.  It is through the spirit of the Father that  the  unique qualities of Christ's personality and mental attitude are imparted to the children of God.

Q. What does the  holy spirit do at baptism.

A. With the placing of the  spirit of God into our minds,  we are  born into his family.  This event places us  at  the starting  point toward eternal life and immortality as  a  spirit-being  in the Family of God. This is the time of spiritual  conception  and  birth from which we can grow into a  mature spirit-being.

Q. How is the  holy  spirit confirmation that a person is a  child of God?

"For we  who are led by the  spirit of  God are sons of  God. And so we should not be like cringing, fearful slaves,  but we  should  behave like God's very own  children, begotten into the bosom of his family, and calling to him,  Father,  Father. For  his holy spirit speaks to us deep  in  our hearts, and  tells us that we really are  God's  children" (Rom.8:14-16 LBP).

A. When  the holy  spirit becomes an active part of  a  converted person's    conscious  thought process, they  will  have  certain abilities beyond those of a person without this  spirit. However, the level  of the  holy spirit's activity  within  the  converted person  is dependent on their resolve and interest  in  growing toward spiritual maturity. See our study paper about the process of accomplishing spiritual maturity and perfection.

The  holy  spirit confirms that we are children of  God,  because there  are identifiable and discernible attributes and  qualities that a true child of God should possess, which can be manifested through our thought processes, and sometimes through physical and spiritual exhibitions of power.

Q. Who administered the Father's holy  spirit after  the  Creator God gave  up his immortality and became a human in the  form  of Jesus?

A. During the period of time encompassing  Christ's  conception, birth, life, death, and resurrection, God the Father administered his  spirit- power as necessary.

Q. Is the spirit of God omnipresent?

A. Yes! the  spirit of God is omnipresent. It is  omnipresent  in the  sense that it is the power of God through which  all  things are created, controlled, and sustained. In this sense, it is truly in all things. However, God the Father and Jesus  Christ are not omnipresent; they are individual and unique beings who can only occupy one place at one time.

The scriptures clearly show that God the Father has never been to earth  and  that he resides in the spirit  realm described  as heaven. If God the Father and Christ were omnipresent, they would have no  need to send forth angels to gather information  and  perform certain tasks for them. Although the power of God is  omnipresent and permeates all things, spirit-beings are not omnipresent, because they can only occupy one place at a time.


Q. Do I have any gifts of the spirit?

A. Every child of God has the gifts of the spirit. There  are many different attributes,  qualities, authorizations, and powers that the Father gives through his holy spirit. Although everyone does not receive all of  these  attributes, qualities, authorizations, and powers (1.Cor.12:1-12), every child of God is given what they need to be successful.

Every  child  of God is initially given faith,  knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and the Father's love. These  basic gifts should continually grow stronger in a Christian's life. If  these  gifts of the spirit  are unrecognizable or weak, they must be strengthened in order for a person to obtain salvation and perform their  calling.  See  Matt.7:7-11; 1.Cor.12:8-10; 13:1-13, Jms.1:5; 2.Pet.1:5; 1.Jn.5:14.

Q. How does a person know if they have a special  authorization of the spirit?

A. All authorizations of spirit-power are given for the  purpose of performing a function, responsibility, or task for the benefit of the elect or the work of the church. God only gives special authorizations of the spirit to be used. If a person has an authorization of the spirit, they will be able to use it.

There  are  many special authorizations mentioned in  the  scriptures, such as the ability to heal the sick, cast out evil  spirits,  or perform other supernatural acts.

It  is  apparent from the scriptures that, if a  person  has  been given  a  special authorization, such as the gift of prophecy  or  the ability to perform miracles, they will know they have the authorization. The various attributes and functions  of  the spirit are to be used; otherwise, they would not be given.

Although  the scriptures do not give detailed instructions as  to how  a person knows they have been given a special  authorization of spirit-power, it is very clear that those who are given these authorizations know that they have them. For example, Moses  was told by the Creator God himself (Ex.3:15-22;  4:1-9); Elisha  the prophet was told by Elijah the prophet;  Christ told his disciples (Mk.3:14-15; Matt.28:19-20); Christ told Ananis  in a vision  to  tell Paul (Acts 9:10-18); Paul told Timothy (2.Tim.1:6-7).

God has also revealed his will and directed his people to perform certain  tasks through angels, dreams, the holy  spirit,  visions, and  a voice out of the air. Regardless of what method  is used, a person with a special authorization of the spirit knows what is required of them and they know they have the power to perform their task or responsibility.

Q. Are  there specific instructions given as to how to  use  the various gifts, authorizations, and powers of the holy  spirit?

A. Yes,  there  are instructions in  the  scriptures  concerning what to do in order to use some spiritual gifts,  authorizations, and powers. Two examples of this are the instructions about the use of the holy  spirit with prayer and study.  However,  instructions  are  not  given on how to use  all spiritual  gifts, authorizations, and powers.

Spiritual power  is  useless  without knowing  how to use it. Moreover, because the Bible does not contain instructions for every authorization of spiritual power, this knowledge has to be given directly to those individuals who need it so that they can perform  their specific function or task.